
Find brochures, best practices, policies, protocols, and more.

Power and Control Wheel

Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence

Tools, Websites

The power and control wheel was developed by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project in Duluth, Minnesota in 1984 to help describe the experience of victims of violence and the tactics that abusers used. The first wheel was to explain domestic…


Many Voices ND: A Needs Assessment on North Dakota’s Response to Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence


From January to September 2023, Global Rights for Women conducted a needs assessment on North Dakota’s response to domestic violence on behalf of CAWS North Dakota. Under the guidance of CAWS ND and the project Planning Committee, Global Rights for…


About NDDSVC Brochure

Domestic Violence, Media Resources, Sexual Violence


Read about who we are and what we do in this online brochure. NDDSVC member organizations can download brochure files with bleed and crop marks for professional printing.


2023 SA Fact Sheet

Sexual Violence

Fact Sheets

Each year, NDDSVC compiles data from our 19 member organizations about the prevalence of domestic and sexual violence in North Dakota.


2023 DV Fact Sheet

Domestic Violence

Fact Sheets

Each year, NDDSVC compiles data gathered from our 19 member organizations about the prevalence of domestic and sexual violence in North Dakota.


Responsibly Reporting on Rape

Media Resources, Sexual Violence


View resources for journalists from the Poynter Institute.


Reporting on Sexual Violence

Media Resources, Sexual Violence

Guidelines, Policies, & Protocols, Websites

View tips from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) on reporting on sexual violence.


Reporting on Sexual Violence (Dart Center Tip Sheet)

Media Resources, Sexual Violence

Guidelines, Policies, & Protocols

View quick tips on covering sexual violence, from preparation to writing the story.


Full Faith & Credit Brochure

Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence



Sexual Violence: Support Guide for Friends and Family Brochure

Sexual Violence


Find ways that you can support a loved one who has experienced sexual violence. NDDSVC member organizations can download brochure files with bleed and crop marks for professional printing.


ALL ND Victims

View legal information and resources from our ALL ND Victims project.


View resources and information related to domestic violence intervention programming from the North Dakota Alliance to End Partner Abuse.

Prevention is Possible

View resources relating to prevention and health equity.

Thousands of North Dakotans experience domestic and sexual violence each year. But together, we can change that. By giving to NDDSVC, you’re helping us prevent future violence and providing life-saving resources to North Dakota communities.

Find Help

If you are in an unsafe or abusive situation, there are 19 domestic violence/sexual assault (DV/SA) victim advocacy centers across North Dakota that can help you navigate your options and stay safe. Each center is staffed with professionals who can help you with safety planning, finding shelter, obtaining a protection order, and more.

Stay Connected

Sign up for our newsletter to receive news and updates on our latest advocacy efforts.

NDDSVC does not provide direct services to victims and survivors.
Contact a DV/SA advocacy center near you if you are looking for support. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.