North Dakota Alliance to End Partner Abuse

The NDAEPA promotes the use of battering intervention standards and coordinates training and mentoring to uphold best practices in domestic violence intervention programming.


Previously known as the Batterers’ Treatment Forum, the North Dakota Alliance to End Partner Abuse (NDAEPA) is a network of domestic violence intervention program providers and allied professionals. The NDAEPA promotes the use of battering intervention standards and coordinates training and mentoring to uphold best practices in domestic violence intervention programming. The NDAEPA seeks to eliminate domestic violence in North Dakota by upholding standards that prioritize the safety of victims, hold offenders accountable, and encourage offenders to change their behavior.

North Dakota Domestic Violence Intervention Programs

View a map and directory of all certified domestic violence intervention programs in North Dakota. All certified programs in North Dakota use a curriculum that supports the Duluth model.

I changed my attitude. How I talk, how I address situations. I wanted to be a better partner and have a better relationship. I also changed for the kids. I wanted to be better for everyone, including myself. My self-esteem is through the roof because of my accountability and willingness to change. I cannot remember the last time I was this happy.

—Domestic Violence Intervention Program Participant

I have learned that violence is not just physical actions, so I have been focusing on the words I use and how I use them. I am becoming a better parent and partner because it is what my family deserves.

—Domestic Violence Intervention Program Participant

Related resources

North Dakota Battering Intervention Standards

View the mandatory guidelines for providers of domestic violence intervention programming.

Impact of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs Handout

Learn more about how domestic violence intervention programs are strengthening North Dakota families.

Overview of DVIP in North Dakota Handout

Designed for professionals working in the legal system, download a brief overview of Domestic Violence Intervention Programming in North Dakota.

Contact us

Have a question, comment, or need some guidance? Get in touch with us!

Thousands of North Dakotans experience domestic and sexual violence each year. But together, we can change that. By giving to NDDSVC, you’re helping us prevent future violence and providing life-saving resources to North Dakota communities.

Find Help

If you are in an unsafe or abusive situation, there are 19 domestic violence/sexual assault (DV/SA) victim advocacy centers across North Dakota that can help you navigate your options and stay safe. Each center is staffed with professionals who can help you with safety planning, finding shelter, obtaining a protection order, and more.

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NDDSVC does not provide direct services to victims and survivors.
Contact a DV/SA advocacy center near you if you are looking for support. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.