Prevention is Possible

Your simple acts can make a difference.


Prevention is Possible is a statewide initiative established by the North Dakota Domestic & Sexual Violence Coalition, First Nations Women’s Alliance, and the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Division. Prevention is Possible aims to unite prevention efforts across the state and raise awareness around everyday actions we can all take to prevent violence.

Your simple acts can make a difference

Whether we’re aware of it or not, everyone knows someone who has experienced domestic or sexual violence. And because all of us are affected by domestic and sexual violence, that means we all also have the power to prevent violence and build communities that are safer, happier, and healthier.

Together, NDDSVC, our partners, and our member organizations work to:

  • Educate youth on consent and healthy relationships
  • Engage men and boys on ways to prevent violence
  • Educate young athletes on healthy relationships
  • Train community members to become active bystanders
  • Strengthen economic supports for women and families
  • Advance health equity

And with your help, we can make an even greater impact. Get involved or check out our resources below to find your simple act that will help make North Dakota safer for all.

Get involved

Everyone can do something to prevent domestic and sexual violence. Click to find ways you can support survivors and prevent future violence.

Prevention resources

Prevention Tips for Everyone

View everyday actions that everyone can take to help prevent violence.

Health Equity

Understand how advancing health equity can help us build safer communities.

Men & Boys as Allies

Learn ways men and boys can help prevent domestic and sexual violence.

Contact us

Have a question, comment, or need some guidance? Get in touch with us!

Thousands of North Dakotans experience domestic and sexual violence each year. But together, we can change that. By giving to NDDSVC, you’re helping us prevent future violence and providing life-saving resources to North Dakota communities.

Find Help

If you are in an unsafe or abusive situation, there are 19 domestic violence/sexual assault (DV/SA) victim advocacy centers across North Dakota that can help you navigate your options and stay safe. Each center is staffed with professionals who can help you with safety planning, finding shelter, obtaining a protection order, and more.

Stay Connected

Sign up for our newsletter to receive news and updates on our latest advocacy efforts.

NDDSVC does not provide direct services to victims and survivors.
Contact a DV/SA advocacy center near you if you are looking for support. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.