
See the staggering numbers on domestic and sexual violence in North Dakota.

Nationwide impact



have experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner and reported an IPV-related impact during their lifetime.1

Domestic violence in 2023


6,131 new victims2 of domestic violence were served by 19 domestic violence/sexual assault advocacy centers across North Dakota.3


301 victims of domestic violence were served in a single day.4


83% of the victims were women.3


At least 4,205 children were directly impacted by these incidents.3


105 women were pregnant at the time they were assaulted.3


At least 13% of the victims were under the age of 25; 3% were under the age of 18.3


21% of new victims were people with disabilities. Of those, 13% were people with developmental disabilities, 35% had physical disabilities, and 52% were people with mental health disabilities.3

A closer look

At least 58% of victims served were physically abused.3

Weapons were used in at least 11% of cases. Of those, guns were used in 23% of cases, and knives were used in 17% of cases.3

In at least 33% of cases, the abuser had a history of abusive behavior with other adults, including prior partners.3

Alcohol use by the abuser was indicated in 23% of cases. Alcohol use by both the victim and abuser was indicated in 4% of cases.3



29% of victims were self-referred to domestic violence advocacy centers; 18% were referred by law enforcement.3


Domestic violence advocacy centers provided victim assistance with 431 emergency protection orders.3

Domestic violence homicide


In 2023, 5 North Dakotans died in domestic violence-related incidents.5


For the period 2004-2023 in North Dakota, 40% of deaths due to homicide involved domestic violence.5

The number reported for domestic violence homicides is consistent with that reported by the Attorney General. Domestic violence deaths include those involving a spouse, former spouse, parent, child, persons related by blood or marriage, persons in a present or former dating relationship, persons who are presently residing together or have resided together in the past, persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they are or have been married or have lived together at any time, other persons on premises when a domestic incident occurs, and romantic triangle situations.

Sexual violence in 2023


1,288 primary victims6 and 221 secondary victims of sexual assault were served by 19 domestic violence/sexual assault advocacy centers across North Dakota.7


At least 1,042 victims were female.7,8


At least 795 assailants were male.7,8


55% of cases were male assailant, female victim.7


6% of cases were male assailant, male victim.7


16% of cases were female assailant, female victim.7


1% of cases were female assailant, male victim.7

A closer look

At least 34% of the assaults occurred in the victim’s or the assailant’s home.7

At least 242 of primary victims were under the age of 18 years old at the time of the assault(s).7

In adult cases, 6% of the assailants were strangers. In child cases, 4% of the assailants were strangers.7

In at least 24% of all cases, the assailant was a friend/acquaintance/date of the victim.7

31% of new victims were people with disabilities. Of those, 17% were people with developmental disabilities, 29% had physical disabilities, and 54% were people with mental health disabilities.7



45% of the crimes were reported to law enforcement.7


At least 20,274 services were provided to primary victims by advocacy center advocates from January to December 2023.7


At least 29% of the victims were referred to sexual assault service providers by themselves, friends, or family members.7


27% of adult victims contacted the sexual assault advocacy center about the crime within 2 days of the assault. 14% of adult victims contacted a sexual assault advocacy center within 3-30 days after the assault.7

For statistics on stalking, visit the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC) website.

View past statistics


  1. Smith, S.G., Zhang, X., Basile, K.C., Merrick, M.T., Wang, J., Kresnow, M., Chen, J. (2018). The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2015 Data Brief – Updated Release. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)
  2. Statistics represent new victims served in 2023. New = unduplicated for calendar year.
  3. 2023 Domestic Violence Fact Sheet, North Dakota Domestic & Sexual Violence Coalition, Mar. 2024
  4. National Network to End Domestic Violence (2024). 18th Annual Domestic Violence Counts Report. Washington, DC. Retrieved from:
  5. State of North Dakota Office of the Attorney General, Bismarck, North Dakota, 2023, Homicide in North Dakota, 2023.
  6. Statistics represent new victims served in 2023. New = unduplicated for calendar year. Primary victims refers to the victim/survivor whom the sexual assault and/or child sexual abuse was directed at. Secondary victims refers to those who are indirectly affected by the sexual assault—i.e., children, siblings, spouses or intimate partners, grandparents, other affected relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.
  7. 2023 Sexual Assault Fact Sheet, North Dakota Domestic & Sexual Violence Coalition, Mar. 2024
  8. Victim or assailant’s gender was not identified in some cases.

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NDDSVC does not provide direct services to victims and survivors.
Contact a DV/SA advocacy center near you if you are looking for support. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.